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Home MenuSharps Waste
What is home-generated sharps waste?
Home-generated sharps waste includes hypodermic needles, pen needles, intravenous needles, lancets, and other devices that are used to penetrate the skin for the delivery of medications derived from a household.
Where do I place my sharps once they have been used?
You must place used sharps in a proper container. Free containers are available at L.A. County Household Hazardous Waste Collection events or at the City of Los Angeles' S.A.F.E. center (1-888-CLEAN LA) or CleanLA . You can also place sharps in a container that does not leak, break or puncture such as plastic detergent containers. The lid must be taped, sealed, and the container labeled "SHARPS."
Where do I dispose of used sharps and medicine?
Dispose of used sharps and medicine at free L.A. County HHW roundups. Call 1-888-CLEAN LA or visit CleanLA for locations. Sharps disposal drop offs are also available at one of 21 drop boxes located outside L.A. County Sheriff's stations throughout the region. Search for additional local disposal options at Safe Needle Disposal.
* Do not flush sharps waste or medications down the toilet or drain or discard in the trash, greenwaste or recycling containers.
* Do not flush sharps waste or medications down the toilet or drain or discard in the trash, greenwaste or recycling containers.